Are Dyson Cordless Vacuum Chargers Universal?

Are you wondering if Dyson cordless vacuum chargers are universal? Let’s talk about that.

You don’t need to be told how great Dyson vacuum cleaners are, and now more than ever, the champions of the hoover industry are giving you a huge array of cordless devices to choose from.

Whether you’re looking for a veritable hurricane in a tube, or something a little more budget-oriented, Dyson has the vacuum for you.

They offer such a great range that it’s likely you’ll end up with more than one cordless unit as you upgrade over the years, but how will these models relate to each other?

For instance, will you be able to use your old V6 charger to charge your new V10, or does each new model need its own dedicated charger? And what about accessories, are they cross-compatible?

These are precisely the questions we’ll be answering in today’s post. No matter which combination of models you own or intend to own, you’ll get all your compatibility queries cleared up right here, right now.

Dyson Charging Mount Compatibility

If you’re looking for a quick checkout here, generally speaking, Dyson cordless vacuum chargers are not compatible, but it’s a little more complex than that, so if you have the time, let’s dig a little deeper and gain a more nuanced understanding of the situation.

To come to terms with notions of compatibility within the cordless Dyson ecosystem, we have to address each model individually.

If you need more information about Dyson charging time, we have a guide for that as well.

Are Dyson Cordless Vacuum Charger Universal

Is The Dyson V6 Charger Universal?

The Dyson V6 is the entry-level offering from the infamous company. There are lesser Dyson cordless models out there, but these are widely thought of as defunct in this day and age.

Being that the Dyson V6 – in all its iterations – is a lower-performing unit with a smaller battery, you’re right to be cautious before you start mixing and matching chargers with more powerful Dyson vacuum cleaners.

We can 100%, unequivocally say for certain that the V6 charger is not compatible with any other Dyson cordless model. You should never use the V6 charger for any of its pricier V-cousins.

Well, we say that… you can try if you want, but you won’t be able to get any of the other hoovers to slide into the V6 charger. The V6 is simply too dissimilar in design; nothing else will fit the mold.

And if by some miracle you did get your new cordless vacuum to fit in your V6 charger, it wouldn’t be compatible with the integrated battery, so it’s a no-go on this front.

Of course, you could just use the wall outlet adapter to try and charge another V-model vacuum, but you may end up damaging the battery, leaving you out of pocket and hooverless.

So, if you were wondering if you should keep that V6 mount around, unless you want a whole backup cordless system, then no. You won’t be able to use it with any other cordless hoover.

Is The Dyson V7 Charger Universal?

With the Dyson V7, we thankfully start to see a little more flexibility from Dyson in that you can indeed use the V7 charger to power another unit, but only one — The V8.

Sharing a similar design (they’re basically the same hoover but one’s slightly more powerful), they both mount seamlessly in the same style of charger — hooray!

So, if you make the upgrade from the V7 to the V8, as long as it’s still working, it’s definitely worth keeping the old V7 charger about either to use first or as a backup.

You never know; that new charger may malfunction and without the backup, your floors stand to get pretty grubby while you’re waiting for a replacement.

Is The Dyson V8 Charger Universal?

Being that the V7 mount charger is compatible with V8 models, it stands to reason that the Dyson V8 charger would be backwards compatible with V7 models, right?

Well, yes, that is correct; however, this interchangeability isn’t always a given, which we’ll discover with the more powerful models.

But yes, if you have both V7 and V8 Dyson cordless units, you can switch the chargers up however you please; it won’t make a lick of difference. Your batteries should charge fully and efficiently whichever charger you hook your hoovers up to.

Are Dyson Cordless Vacuum Chargers Universal

Is The Dyson V10 Charger Universal?

The V10 is in a world of its own; its charger is designed for self-service only. You won’t get any other Dyson cordless model to fit in there, and we wouldn’t recommend mixing and matching the wall outlet adapters either, as the batteries of your units will be too dissimilar.

Doing so may damage your pricey new hoover, which is obviously to be avoided at all costs.

Is The Dyson V11 Charger Universal?

Remember a moment ago when we mentioned that mutual interchangeability isn’t a given with cordless Dyson vacuum cleaners? Well, here we see an example of this cross-series imbalance in action.

As mentioned above, no other series of V model will fit into the V10 mount, but the V10 can fit into the Dyson V11 mount. It’s not a perfect fit (fractionally too narrow), so we don’t recommend giving it a try, but it will absolutely work in a pinch.

A V11 wall adapter charger will also work just fine, so it’s worth keeping these bits of kit around if you’re downsizing from the V11 to the V10. Downsize beyond the V10, however, and you won’t get any more use out of that V11 charger.

If money’s no object and you’re upgrading to the V15, as long as you have the second iteration V11 mount designed to fit the replaceable battery V11 blueprint, it will be a good fit.

Furthermore, if you move from one V11 model to another, you’re also in luck.

For example, let’s say you started out with the V11 Animal, but later decided the Torque Drive or Outsize was better suited to you and your floors, you could use your Animal charger for your new acquisition.

Within the V11 ecosystem, all chargers are universal, but outside this series, only the V10 and 15 models are compatible.

Are Dyson V15 Chargers Universal?

Your V15 charging dock will be fully compatible with your V11 should you feel the need to keep your older vacuum around after upgrading.

What About Accessories?

Before we go our separate ways, let’s briefly discuss the compatibility issue in regards to accessories.

Are Dyson Cordless Vacuum Accessories Universal?

Much like their chargers, V6 accessories are only compatible with V6 models. As such, you’ll have to acquire a new selection of accessories for your later model.

V7, 8, 10, 11, and 15 models all use the same attachment system, and thus, can share accessories, saving you a bunch of money on aftermarket purchases.

This sharing is caring ethos is why we’d recommend jumping the V6 range and heading directly for the V7 and beyond. You’ll pay out a little more upfront, but the investment will likely be worth it in the long run.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to know about Dyson charger compatibility, plus a little extra tidbit about accessory interchangeability for good measure. Now you shouldn’t have any problems mixing and matching your Dyson doodads.

As long as you stick to the guidelines set out in this compatibility guide, you’ll be able to make the most out of your older equipment without putting your new gear at risk.



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