Best Places For Charging Stick Vacuums

Let’s talk about the best places for charging stick vacuums.

Stick vacuum cleaners are some of the hottest items that you can get for your home these days.

Not only are they easy to use and surprisingly powerful pieces of equipment to have in your home, but because they are generally lighter, smaller, and more compact than their larger cylinder counterparts, they are also much easier to store for charging.

However, that doesn’t mean that finding a place for them to charge in your home is exactly an easy task.

Sure, you can just plug it into the closest mains socket in your house or your apartment, and that will work fine.

But it’s not exactly a long-term solution for finding a good place for it to be stored, is it?

Cordless stick vacuum cleaners still need to be put somewhere, and you can’t exactly put them wherever you think they’ll be fine.

After all, if you think that the vacuum will be fine if you just keep the docking station or charger close to the kitchen sink, that may not exactly work out in the long run.

So, knowing where you can and should charge your vacuum cleaner when it is not in use, is a vital piece of housekeeping that you will need to do for your home.

Which is where our guide may come in handy!

This article will help you decide where is best for you to charge your stick vacuum cleaner between uses, as well as several factors that you should take into consideration when you are looking for the perfect spot in your home.

Factors To Take Into Account When Finding A Place

Before you decide on a final charging space for your vacuum, there are a few things that may be helpful for you to consider before settling on a single location.

After all, there are very few homes that are exactly alike, meaning that one place that is kept for charging may not work in another.

Size Of The Vacuum

This will be one of the biggest deciding factors on a location for your charging or docking station for your vacuum to be kept.

Although stick vacuum cleaners are usually a lot smaller than their cylinder counterparts, they can still be quite large and bulky machines, especially when all of their attachments are connected.

This can mean that finding a secluded little corner in your apartment or home can be a tricky issue.

Fortunately, stick vacuum cleaners rarely have to be kept in one piece for them to be charged.

So long as the main vacuum assembly piece (the section of the vacuum cleaner that contains the main body, such as the motor, handle, canister, etc.) has access to a plug socket, then the rest of the pieces can probably be disconnected and can be stored either in a completely separate location, such as in a storage closet around your home or simply by the main assembly piece while it is chagrin, to not lose any of the pieces.

And this only applies to those larger stick vacuums.

Many smaller models can easily be stored and charged in a variety of places, such as under a desk that is near a plug socket, or in a bedroom, where there is plenty of floor or storage space, if in a smaller and cramped location in the home.

How Often It Will Be Used?

Charging Stick Vacuums - How Often It Will Be Used?

This may not seem like much of an issue, but you should also consider how often exactly you think that you may clean with your vacuum cleaner.

This probably sounds a little odd, but this is tied to the cleaning and tidying habits that many people have.

For example, if you clean with your stick vacuum cleaner regularly, such as once or more times in a single week, then you are going to want to make sure that the location that you do pick is somewhere that is easily accessible for you, such as at the front of a broom or storage closet, or underneath your sink.

However, if you do not clean with your stick vacuum regularly, only using it a few times a month, and doing smaller cleaning tasks with another implement like a dustpan and brush or mop, then this may not be as much of an issue for you, and can be placed somewhere that doesn’t need to be regularly maintained.

Your Mobility

You should also consider what your health is like when you are deciding on a place to put your stick vacuum.

If you have issues handling larger objects and moving around, then you do not want the charging point of your vacuum cleaner to constantly be getting in the way of you simply trying to do your day-to-day life.

As such, you probably want it to take up less floor space than you normally use.

However, by the same token, keeping your stick vacuum in a remote closet isn’t exactly ideal either, as simply trying to retrieve it can be more difficult than you realize and may cause further issues later down the line, which is the practical equivalent of kicking the can down the sidewalk.

If mobility is an issue for you, we would recommend using a walk-in closet or room to store your vacuum.

Home Layout

This can have a massive effect on where you can keep your stick vacuum.

After all, people with larger homes are unlikely to struggle to find a place to keep their cleaning items, such as their vacuum cleaners.

This is especially the case in houses, where there are often plenty of rooms that can keep items whilst they are on charge or even a dedicated room for cleaning implements.

If you are living in an apartment, you may find that floor space is at a little more of a premium, making finding a spot for your vacuum more challenging.

In these scenarios, many people like to use wall mounts or hangers for their vacuum cleaners, so that they are not taking up floor space, whilst also being easily accessible.

Places To Charge Your Vacuum Cleaner

So, we have talked about some deciding factors, so now we can discuss some actual locations!

Broom/Storage Closet

This is usually the ideal place to keep a vacuum cleaner. After all, where better to keep your vacuum cleaner than with all your other cleaning equipment?

This option tends to take up quite a lot of room, so may not be an option for everyone.


If you have access to a garage, then there are many places where you can store your vacuum here.

However, it is very easy for them to become dirty and fill with debris over time, so be careful with this option.

Wall Hanger

This is the most popular option for people with limited space.

Hanging your vacuum from a fixed wall mount saves on space, while also keeping it easily in reach for you.

Final Thoughts

So, whilst it may seem like a tricky task at first, there is probably more than one space where you can safely keep your stick vacuum cleaner.

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