Can You Charge A Dyson In The Car?

Can you charge a Dyson in the car? Let’s find out.

Dyson cordless stick vacuums are a fantastic piece of home cleaning equipment for their performance and convenience.

Not only do they possess powerful suction motors to ensure every speck of dust and hair is sucked into oblivion, but they also don’t require a cord to run, meaning you don’t have to constantly move the plug to sockets around the house.

Instead, Dyson stick vacuums run on a powerful battery.

While these batteries can allow for cleaning for around 25 to 35 minutes on a full charge, the vacuums will need to be charged to clean again.

In most cases, people will charge their Dyson stick vacuums in their respective docking stations – but what happens when the docking station breaks, or if you’re away from your home?

Is there another way to charge a Dyson stick vacuum? Can you charge a Dyson stick vacuum in the car, for example?

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to charge your Dyson stick vacuum in your car, you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s everything you need to know about charging your Dyson stick vacuum!

Can You Charge A Dyson In The Car?

To put it simply, no – you cannot charge a Dyson stick vacuum in the car using only the USB ports available inside a car.

However, you can buy an in-car charger that is designed to charge your Dyson stick vacuum battery inside the car.

The reason why you can’t charge these vacuums in a car in the same way that you’d charge your phone is because the vacuums simply aren’t designed to be charged with a USB cord.

Cars only really have USB charging ports available, so if there isn’t a way to connect the vacuum to the port, then it’s not really doable.

Not only this, but charging anything (including a phone) in a car often does more harm than good.

The reason for this is that charging any electronic device in a car can cause depletion in the car’s battery – especially if it’s an older model of a mobile device.

Plus, the charging itself can be stalled occasionally if the USB port isn’t stable, which can further damage the electronic device.

Instead, if you wish to charge your Dyson stick vacuum in the car, you will need to buy an in-car charger that is designed specifically for your vacuum model.

Unfortunately, you can’t typically buy a generic in-car charger that can be used for every Dyson stick vacuum, so you’ll need to do your research depending on what model you have.

In-car chargers are ideal for those who use their vacuums outside the home – for example, carers, cleaners, vacuuming the inside of the car, or even just giving your vacuum to a friend to borrow for a day or two.

The in-car charger ports mean you don’t have to bring your vacuum home every time to charge it, so you can charge the vacuum on the go!

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Can You Mount A Dyson In A Cold Garage?

The only rule about charging Dyson vacuums in specific temperatures is to avoid extreme temperatures, meaning it shouldn’t be charged in hot or very cold environments.

This is because extreme temperatures can damage the battery and the lifespan of the vacuum itself.

So, while Dyson vacuums can be mounted and charged in slightly cold garages, you should make sure to avoid charging them in freezing garages or garages over winter.

Unless your garage has a heating system, you should generally avoid doing this if you know the garage gets cold.

How Do You Charge A Dyson Stick?

There’s only really one way to charge a Dyson stick vacuum, and that’s by charging it at a docking station.

Docking stations come with each cordless Dyson product, and need to be attached to a wall in your house. They are typically attached with screws and a screwdriver to ensure that the docking station does not fall.

The way to charge a Dyson stick is simple.

You just need to connect the vacuum to the charger by connecting the charging point, located at the base of the vacuum handle, to the docking station.

Most stick vacuums will offer an LED screen or a red light that turns green to signal when the unit is fully charged.

Of course, the charging time and method will vary depending on what model vacuum you have, and how old the model is. In most cases, Dyson stick vacuums take roughly 4 hours to fully charge, but this only counts for when the battery is at 0% after cleaning.

Another way to charge a Dyson stick is with an in-car charger. In-car chargers are docking stations that can be attached inside your car to charge the vacuum’s battery.

These are ideal for people who need to use their vacuum outside the house, such as cleaners and carers.

Should I Leave My Dyson Stick On Charge All The Time?

To put it simply, no – you shouldn’t leave your Dyson stick on charge all the time.

The reason for this is that leaving any electronic device – mobile phones and laptops included – on charge all the time can actually destroy the longevity of the battery.

While it might be satisfying to know that your electronic devices are constantly above 75%, this can actually do more harm than good.

The only time you should leave your Dyson Stick on charge for long periods of time is when you first buy the product, and then again after the first few cleans.

In a way, this is a form of “waking up” the battery, preparing it for long periods without charging.

After this short period, you then shouldn’t keep the Dyson stick on charge all the time.

You should only charge it when the battery gets to 0% if you wish to extend the battery’s life, as this encourages the battery to last longer.

Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from leaving the vacuum on the docking station 24/7, but you just need to be aware that this can damage the battery in the long-term.

However – you will need to check the specific model and the manufacturer’s recommendations, because some newer models are safe to be charged constantly.

How Do I Know If My Dyson Stick Vacuum Is Charging?

The vast majority of Dyson stick vacuum models will have an LED light system that signifies when the unit is charging and fully charged.

The light is typically blue to show that the battery is charging, and it should turn off when the battery is fully charged. Sometimes, the light will flash on and off if there is a problem.

While it’s not common, some Dyson stick vacuum models come with an LED screen that will show the battery percentage on a monitor.

These are especially useful for understanding when the unit needs to be charged.


So, there you have it! While considered unconventional, you can technically charge your Dyson stick vacuum in the car when you buy an appropriate in-car charger.

Otherwise, these stick vacuums can only be charged when connected to a docking station, which is typically attached to a wall inside a house.

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