Can You Leave Your Dyson V11 Charging 24/7?

Let’s find out what happens if you leave your Dyson V11 charging.

Cleaning is a necessity that few people enjoy (except the Monica Geller’s of the world). Despite this, we all have to do it in order to ensure our home is comfortable and safe to live in.

This means we want to get the job done quickly, not having to worry about little things, such as charging our vacuums for a sufficient amount of time before using them.

This begs the question – can Dyson vacuums be left on charge 24/7, ready to be picked up whenever needed?

This article will discuss if you should always leave your vacuum on the charge, and the vacuum in question is the Dyson V11.

What Is The Dyson V11?

The Dyson V11 is one of Dyson’s top-performing cordless vacuum cleaners. There are three main models when it comes to the V11 series: Animal, Torque Drive, and Outsize.

The V11 Animal is the cheapest, the Outside the most expensive, with the Torque Drive landing somewhere in the middle.

All three models have a smart suction feature. This is a sensor in the cleaner head that is able to detect whether you are cleaning hardware floors or carpets.

Once it detects the surface, it automatically adjusts its suction rate to compensate.

This, in turn, optimizes the battery life and overall performance. They are also very effective in deep cleaning carpets.

Each vacuum has great suction combined with agitation, which really helps get rid of any dirt or debris that have been embedded into the fibers of your carpet.

The V11 models also have a unique brush roll design. This design prevents hair from getting tangled in the roll, as is the case with many other vacuums.

They also each have HEPA filters, and these keep all harmful particles away from the air and inside the vacuum.

All three models have screens behind the handle, but the Outsize and Torque Drive have LCD screens and these display a number of things such as the power levels, and battery life, and will alert you if there’s an issue with the vacuum.

The V11 Animal, on the other hand, only has a LED screen with a limited amount of displays.

Despite this, all three models are great vacuums and are regarded as some of Dyson’s best products.

Can You Leave Your Dyson V11 Charging All The Time?

The good news is, that most Dyson vacuums are designed to be left on charge all the time! This goes for models V6, V7, V8, V10, or V11.

You are able to do this without worrying about damaging the vacuum or its battery!

Battery Considerations

Before using your vacuum, you must fully charge the V11 battery. If it isn’t fully charged, then you won’t be able to use it to its best ability.

Many Dyson models are fitted with lithium batteries. These are more advanced batteries that can be left plugged in constantly.

However, if your Dyson vacuum has a nickel battery, then you shouldn’t leave it on charge 24/7. This is because these batteries store memories.

If you plug it in constantly when it hasn’t lost its charge, over time, it may stop fully charging.

Plugging And Unplugging

Many believe that constantly plugging and unplugging your Dyson battery will damage it.

However, this is not true. If you prefer to only plug it in when the battery is down, and then unplug it when it is fully charged, this is okay too.

You should always plug it in when the battery is down.

Can Your Dyson V11 Overcharge If It is Plugged In All The Time?

While many electrical devices will overcharge if they are left charging constantly, a Dyson battery will not overcharge.

These batteries are specifically designed to stop using electricity once they are fully charged.

They have protection mechanisms built into them. These preventions stop the batteries from getting damaged, overcharging, or catching fire.

It is important to note that this is the case with lithium-ion batteries. Models with these batteries include the V6, V7, V8, V10, and V11.

It is also important to note that you do not need to fully charge them before every single use.

You should fully charge your vacuum when you first purchase it, but once charged, it will last you from three to five hours.

Can You Replace Your Batteries If They Become Damaged From Overcharging? (Nickel Batteries)

Even if you practice the best care with your battery, over the years it will start to weaken.

However, these V11 batteries are perfectly replaceable, you just need to make sure you are replacing them with a Dyson battery specific to that model.

If you use another battery from a different brand, then your vacuum won’t perform as well, and you’ll notice the battery degrading even quicker.

Best Practices For Charging Your Vacuum 24/7

As we’ve said in this article, charging your vacuum 24/7 will not damage the battery, as long as it is a lithium-ion battery.

However, there are other things you can do to make sure your battery will last a long time.

Discharge It Often

Although you are able to leave your lithium-ion battery plugged in all the time, regularly unplugging it to let the battery run down before plugging it in again, will extend the battery life and keep it working to its full potential.

Keep An Eye On The Mode

Your Dyson vacuum will have different modes on it, such as auto, regular/normal, and max/boost.

If you use it on max all the time, then this will degrade your battery, meaning you’ll need to replace it a lot sooner.

Charge It At The Right Temperature

When you just finish using your vacuum, it will be hot. You should never charge it when it is warm to the touch, always let it cool before plugging it in.

This will improve the battery life.

You should also store your vacuum somewhere at room temperature.

It should never be stored in a relatively warm environment, as this could damage the battery over time.

Use Your Dyson On The Appropriate Floor

Not all Dyson vacuums are the same, and some are more suited to certain types of floors.

If your Dyson stated that it should only be used on hardwood floors, then using it on carpets could overwork it, leading to a damaged battery over time.

Reasons Why Your Battery May Be Running Out Quickly

There are a few other reasons why your battery may be running out quickly on your Dyson vacuum. For starters, it may be relatively old. Over the years, batteries will weaken, and they’ll need replacing.

The battery on your vacuum may also be damaged. This could be due to faulty electricity in your home.

If you feel this may be the case, you should take your vacuum to the store where you purchased it, as it may still be under warranty.

You may also not be emptying the bin often enough on your vacuum. This can also affect the battery.

Final Thoughts

In summary, as long as your Dyson has lithium-ion batteries, it is perfectly safe to keep it charging 24/7.

We hope this article has given you a good insight into the batteries on your Dyson vacuum.

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