Can You Use A Stick Vacuum On Carpet? [Pros And Cons]

Can you use a stick vacuum on carpet? What are the pros and cons? Let’s find out.

Using a heavy vacuum with a long chord can be a hassle for smaller spills.

If you’re considering investing in a stick vacuum, you might be wondering: Can you use a stick vacuum on carpet?

In this article, we will cover some key information about whether you can use a stick vacuum on a carpet as well as the pros and cons.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Can You Use A Stick Vacuum On Carpet?

The majority of cordless stick vacuums work great on hardwood floors, and there’s nothing to say that you can’t use a stick vacuum on carpet.

In fact, many people swear by stick vacuums, only using their traditional vacuums for bigger spills and heavily soiled floors.

However, while some stick vacuums work great on carpet, others are better suited to low pile carpet. So, what is low pile carpet?

Low pile carpet is carpet with shorter, denser fibers, which is different from high pile carpet, which has taller and looser fibers.

These shorter fibers are what make low pile carpet easier to keep clean with a stick vacuum.

When you’re weighing up whether a stick vacuum is the right choice for your carpet, you’ll need to consider a few factors.

Factors That Impact The Efficiency And Effectiveness Of A Stick Vacuum On Carpet

Can You Use A Stick Vacuum On Carpet

There are many factors that will impact the efficiency and effectiveness of a stick vacuum.

These include but are not limited to:

The Brand Of Vacuum

When it comes to making a large purchase such as a stick vacuum, it’s important to do your research on the brand of vacuum.

While you might not be someone that prioritizes brands over smaller companies, there’s a reason why certain brands such as Shark and Dyson vacuums are so popular.

Brands are an assurance of quality a lot of the time. You’re much more likely to buy a good quality vacuum from a reliable brand with years of experience and a loyal customer base than one you’ve just heard about.

Regardless of which brand you opt for, make sure that you do your research on the specific model and whether it’s right for you.

The Type Of Carpet

Another factor that you’ll need to bear in mind is the type of carpet that you have.

You’ll be able to tell what kind of carpet you have just by looking closely at the fibers. If they’re short and dense, you likely have low pile carpet. However, if they’re tall and loose, then you likely need to cater for high pile carpet.

When choosing your vacuum, be sure to take your carpet or floors into account.


You could purchase the best vacuum on the market, and it would still start to deteriorate if you’re not maintaining it in the right way.

Bearing this in mind, it’s essential to clean the filters on a regular basis to ensure that the vacuum’s suction isn’t deteriorating and impacting your cleaning.

You will also want to make sure that you’re cleaning it at least once a month to ensure that all of its parts are working as they should be.

So, should you get a stick vacuum for your carpet? These pros and cons should help you come to a decision.

Pros And Cons Of Using A Stick Vacuum On Carpet

There are both pros and cons of using a stick vacuum on carpet. So, let’s take a look at these in more detail.

Pros Of Using A Stick Vacuum On Carpet

The pros include but are not limited to:


Stick vacuums are very lightweight, making them very easy to push along and clean with minimal effort.

When compared to heavy traditional vacuums that can feel like a lot of effort to lug around, you can make light work of cleaning your home with a stick vacuum.

You’ll hardly break a sweat using a stick vacuum!

Convenient For Quick Clean Ups

A huge pro of stick vacuums is how quick and convenient they are to use, regardless of the mess you’re trying to tackle.

Whether you’re dealing with a small spill, or are just having a fast clean before guests arrive, stick vacuums are the ideal solution anytime you need to clean quickly.

This can be a great time-saver. After all, no one wants to waste more minutes than they have to when doing their chores!


The fact stick vacuums are regularly cordless is one of the biggest reasons why people opt for them.

When you clean with a traditional vacuum cleaner, every nook and cranny in your home can become harder to reach when you’re limited by a cord.

How far you can clean is limited by how long the cord is, and how many power outlets you have in your home, making the process of cleaning significantly harder.

Cordless vacuums revolutionize cleaning in this way, allowing you to reach every part of your home with ease and convenience.

Cons Of Using A Stick Vacuum On Carpet

The cons include but are not limited to:

Might Not Be Suitable For High Pile Carpet

While many stick vacuums are super convenient to clean hardwood floors and low pile carpets when you don’t have the energy to lug around your traditional vacuum, some of them might not be strong enough for high pile carpet.

As a result, you might not get the use out of it that you thought you would if the vacuum isn’t capable of cleaning your high pile carpet.

Not Designed For Heavily Soiled Floors

A big con of stick vacuums is that they’re not designed to clean heavily soiled floors.

This means that when it comes to cleaning up larger messes, you will still need to use a vacuum cleaner that is more heavy-duty for a thorough clean.

If you don’t, you likely won’t be able to pick up all of the dirt and debris, as they’re simply not designed for cleaning super dirty floors.

Less Durable

As stick vacuums are not designed for big messes, many people also argue that they are less durable when compared to their traditional vacuum counterparts.

The average lifespan of a stick vacuum is 5 to 8 years, but this can vary depending on how you use it.

Quality Matters

While you could also argue this for traditional vacuums as well, the quality matters hugely when it comes to stick vacuums.

This comes down to the fact that while they can be super efficient, if the quality isn’t where it should be, they will deteriorate at a rapid rate.

In Summary

You can use stick vacuums on carpet, but you will want to bear in mind that some do better than others.

It’s also important to remember that the quality of the vacuum, along with whether you have low or high pile carpet will determine how efficient a stick vacuum will work.

We hope this article has given you some useful information on whether a stick vacuum is the right choice for you and your carpet.

Be sure to do your research to ensure that you’re going to get the most out of your investment.

Good luck finding the right vacuum cleaner for you!



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