Can You Vacuum Baking Soda?

A cleaning tip which many people highly recommend is to vacuum baking soda for a multitude of reasons.

However, while this tip comes with many people recommending it, it can lead to some people questioning how effective it really is, but more importantly, if it will damage your vacuum cleaner.

Depending on the quality and durability, it is understandable that a lot of people are worried about what they are putting in their vacuum cleaners as putting some things in can seriously damage them and end up cutting years off of their lifespan.

Vacuum cleaners can also be incredibly expensive and a hefty investment, so while the benefits of baking soda might sound appealing, not knowing the potential damages it could cause are sometimes not worth taking.

So why do so many people recommend vacuuming with baking soda?

It is told that vacuuming with baking soda will help remove a strong musty odor which is often emanating from unclean and un-fresh carpets.

The baking soda is said to be a good absorbent as well as having antimicrobial properties to make it a good option for getting rid of any dirt and bad smells.

It is also a great option because of the fact that a lot of people already own it, and how inexpensive it is to purchase or replace.

Using baking soda is also seen as a more natural option than some more artificial seeming cleaning products as well as being non-toxic.

This article will cover the steps on how to vacuum using baking soda, as well as how to make sure it does not damage your vacuum cleaner in the process.

If you have any questions about how to vacuum with baking soda and any of its potential risks, keep reading!

How To Properly Vacuum Baking Soda?

Cleaning using this method will be significantly easier if there are no greasy stains to deal with as well as pet debris. Before attempting this method try and get rid of any marks like this.

To achieve this method you will need baking soda, your vacuum, as well as a bristled broom or brush. A sieve is also useful if you have one.

To start, move as much furniture away as possible and then do a good preliminary vacuum of the area you want to clean.

Once this is done you will want to start sprinkling the baking soda liberally over the carpet, this is where you can utilize the sieve to get more control and even coverage.

If you are looking for a deeper clean you will want to use your brush to work the soda into the carpet to make sure the powder is well incorporated.

After this leave the soda for at least 30 minutes, but for the best results you will want to wait overnight.

After the wait, you will want to give the carpet a good vacuum at least once or twice to get all the dirt and powder out of the carpet.

Do not finish vacuuming until all the baking powder is gone. Once this is done you can return the furniture to its original positions.

Can You Vacuum Baking Soda?

The Best Way To Vacuum Baking Soda Out Of Your Carpet

If you are struggling to get baking soda out of your carpet for whatever reason, the best thing you can do is run a vacuum which uses an upright canister and utilizes a high power suction to have the best power possible.

The best vacuums for this will have a beater bar you can use to agitate your carpet and to make sure to get all of the baking soda off of the fibers of carpet.

Some cleaners will recommend using carpet cleaners, but unless this is a last resort, just using the vacuum should work effectively.

Will Baking Soda Damage Your Vacuum Cleaner?

While many people recommend using baking soda as a method of freshening your carpet, how well does it treat your vacuum cleaner?

If you are cleaning using baking soda on an above average basis, or using a baking soda which is not fit for purpose, the small size of the particles can end up prematurely clogging your vacuum filter.

This is not always a massive problem as some filters can be cleaned, however, some need replacing once they are clogged.

So while you think using baking soda is cheaper than a carpet cleaner, the eventual cost in replacing the filters may be worth considering.

For most vacuums, the baking soda is most likely to affect the HEPA filter as this is where most of the smallest particles will get caught.

A HEPA filter will usually be effective at trapping baking soda, but if you are using a cheaper bagless vacuum which does not use a HEPA filter, then it is very likely that the baking soda will end up coming out of the vacuum’s exhaust.

This means that while you may be able to vacuum the particles of baking soda, it is likely that they will just end up coming out of the exhaust after they have been vacuumed.

The best vacuum for using baking soda is actually a vacuum with a water filtration system as the baking soda will not clog in the water, however, these are quite expensive.

But if you are renting one or lucky enough to own one, using them with baking soda should cause a few problems.

What Else Can Baking Soda Be Used For On Carpets?

So as you have seen, baking soda can be used effectively to freshen up carpets if not used in excess and with a vacuum that will be able to filter it properly.

Baking soda is also able to help with some other carpet problems. Baking soda is reported to help with removing specific stains if activated with water, this method can work with both greasy and non-greasy stains.

Before attempting these it is best to look up specific methods, but sometimes it is best to use a specific product instead of always defaulting to baking soda due to the eventual damage it will cause to your vacuum.

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