How Long Do Dyson Vacuums Last?

Interested in getting a Dyson Vacuum, but you do not know if Dyson vacuums last long enough to justify the price? Let’s talk about that.

If you are looking for a high-quality and high-performance vacuum, most people would recommend a Dyson.

The brand is known for using and encouraging innovative technology which is designed to work better than competitors and offer unique features which no other vacuum would offer.

Dyson also have a wide variety of styles of vacuum with choices ranging from small handheld vacuums for quick cleans, to larger corded vacuums for the whole house.

If you are looking for a vacuum which will excel in every category, you need look no further than a Dyson.

However, there is one obvious factor that discourages many people from considering Dyson vacuums and that is their price.

These vacuums for the most part, tend to be at least slightly more expensive than competitors, but usually the difference is quite significant.

While this difference could be justified by all the features these vacuums offer, most people will want a vacuum that is functional for a long period of time without needing replacement.

This is the question we are here to answer today, whether Dyson vacuums are durable enough to justify their price and if they will last long enough to be worth the money you will have to invest into them.

If you have any questions about the lifespan or the durability of Dyson vacuums and if they are worth the initial investment, keep reading for the answers you are after!

How Long Can You Expect Your Dyson Vacuums Last?

This all depends on the type of vacuum you have bought, but with the correct care and maintenance your Dyson could last at least 20 years, but with standard use without not all of the correct maintenance measures, a Dyson will usually last around 7 to 10 years.

This is of course with the caveat that you are not using the Dyson too intensely, and you are taking some of the maintenance steps which are recommended.

However, even a 7 to 10 year lifespan is above average and proves that while most Dyson’s are more expensive than their competitors, they can justify this with them tending to last longer as well as having features which helps them stand out.

What To Do To Make Your Dyson Vacuums Last As Long As Possible?

As mentioned in the previous section, a Dyson vacuum can last up to an impressive 20 years still functioning well if you look after it properly.

This will of course necessitate doing all of the proper maintenance to make sure no part of your vacuum is failing and making it get damage prematurely.

While most of the specific maintenance advice should be included in the manual which came with your Dyson, there are some more general tips that are worth following to make sure you get all you can out of your vacuum.

How Long Do Dyson Vacuums Last?

-You will want to make sure to do the often forgotten task of regularly cleaning your vacuum’s filters.

-You will want to make sure to check the brush heads after every few uses to make sure nothing is stuck or tangled in them.

-Make sure you are only using your vacuum only for tasks it is appropriate for. Some people like to use their vacuum for tasks it is not designed for, for example, outdoors cleaning and debris from this can severely damage your vacuum and make it last for a much shorter length of time.

-You will want to make sure that there is no obstruction within the vacuums pipes which are impeding air flow or damaging the device from the inside.

-Unless it is specifically designed for this purpose, do not use your Dyson for sucking up any water or liquids.

If you regularly follow this maintenance advice, you should be able to make your Dyson last as long as possible, as well as ensuring that it will perform well for the entirety of its lifespan.

How Long Do Batteries Of Dyson Vacuums Last?

Most Dyson vacuums which are not corded, rely on battery power to work well.

With proper maintenance and care, these batteries can last anywhere between 2 and 4 years depending on the type of vacuum they are being used on.

Most Dyson batteries are a lithium-ion battery and these batteries will tend to have a 2 years guarantee, so you can get them replaced for free if they fail before then.

However, if you follow some easy steps you will be able to make your battery last for years longer than average.

-Do not take the battery out of, or store it in, areas which are too far from standard room temperature.

-Make sure it is properly charged when it is in use, but also occasionally let it completely discharge.

-Do not abuse your vacuum by using it exclusively on high power and let it be on other setting when the time calls.

-Like the previous steps, cleaning your filter will allow your Dyson to work at full power much easier with the air flow not being impeded at all.

How Long Do Dyson Batteries Take To Charge?

On average, a Dyson vacuum battery will take around 3.5 hours to charge, but sometimes this can be slowed if there is an inconsistent energy flow or an older Dyson.

Make sure to charge your Dyson when the light indicates you should.

How Often Should You Change Or Wash Your Dyson Filters?

When buying your Dyson check how many, and what types of filters it uses. Usually the filters will need to be washed at regular intervals and after a few washes will need to be replaced.

If they need to be replaced often, try and buy a few with your vacuum as bundle deals are often offered.

These filters are clear about how often they need to be replaced or washed so make sure to follow this advice to make it, so the vacuum lasts as long as possible and works at the highest quality.

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