How To Dispose Vacuum Cleaners

Let’s talk about how to properly dispose vacuum cleaners.

So, your vacuum cleaner has come to the end of its life, and you’re looking for a way to throw it out.

Or, you’re thinking of treating yourself to a brand-new vacuum cleaner that is far more powerful than your rickety old thing left in the cupboard, so you need to get rid of it.

Thing is, what’s the best way to dispose of a vacuum cleaner? You can’t exactly throw it in the trash, can you?

If you’re wondering how to dispose of a vacuum cleaner, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the best ways to dispose of your vacuum cleaner that don’t involve throwing it in the trash!

How To Dispose Vacuum Cleaners

Drop It Off At The Scrapyard

Scrapyards will take virtually anything, which includes parts of your vacuum cleaner. In fact, some scrapyards will even pay you for specific parts if you’re lucky.

If your local scrapyard won’t accept your vacuum parts, then maybe try at another scrapyard further away.

However, this involves disassembling parts of the vacuum cleaner before or when you get to the scrapyard.

Also, some scrapyards might only require the metal parts of the vacuum.

Drop It Off At The Recycling Center

The best way to dispose of something is to recycle it, but only if the materials can be recycled.

Fortunately, most parts of a vacuum cleaner can be recycled, including the plastic parts, cords, and the hose.

Once given to a recycling center, some manufacturers who rely on recycled materials will use parts of the vacuum to make shampoo bottles, traffic cones, and a variety of other products.

So, in giving away your old vacuum cleaner, you’re also helping the environment by encouraging manufacturers to use recycled materials!

Just make sure you follow the guidelines according to each recycling center, because some sites might have specific rules on what parts of a vacuum cleaner they can and cannot take.

Sell The Parts

There’s always someone looking for spare parts from electronic devices, including vacuums.

So, look for groups on Facebook and see if anyone could use spare parts like the hose, brushes, and nozzles.

You never know, there might be an experimental artist who uses random pieces of scrap to make their art!

Sell The Vacuum

If your vacuum cleaner is working, then the first thing you should try is sell it online or in person.

Vacuum cleaners are expensive, so even if your vacuum isn’t very powerful, someone will be grateful to buy it off your hands for less than store price.

This is especially beneficial for college students on a budget.

If you don’t know of anyone in your local area who needs a vacuum, you can also sell it online, such as on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, or Craigslist.

Donate To Local Shelter

If you’re not bothered about getting money in return, then why not donate your working vacuum to a local shelter?

While local shelters typically require food and essentials, it’s always handy to donate homeware electronics, because you never know if someone might need a vacuum to keep their home clean.

If you don’t have a local shelter to donate to, make sure to find a Salvation Army or Goodwill.

Alternatively, check if your local city has a Donation Town – which is a company spread across several cities in the United States that collects donations from your home.

Fix It At An Electronics Store

It’s no secret that brand-new vacuum cleaners can be really expensive, so if you want to bring some life back to your old vacuum cleaner, you should take it to an electronics store.

Depending on the state of the vacuum cleaner, they might be able to fix it back to its original condition, which will save you potentially hundreds of dollars.

Even if you don’t intend to use the newly fixed vacuum, this will help to increase the value of the product if you wish to sell it.

Plus, a fixed vacuum is far more beneficial for those who rely on donations from a local shelter.

Go To A Swapping Event

Swapping events are becoming increasingly popular in local communities.

The clue is in the name – these events are designed for people to swap items (such as clothes, electronic devices, and furniture) so that people can get rid of their belongings and find new objects for free.

Not only is this an excellent way to recycle and prevent negatively impacting the environment, but swapping events are also a brilliant way to bring communities together.

Plus, swapping your vacuum means that you get something potentially very fun in return, so it’s a win-win!

Make sure to keep an eye out for local swapping events in public schools, community centers, churches, and public libraries.

These events are typically marketed online, so check your social media platforms regularly.

How To Extend Your Vacuum’s Service Life

A little known fact about vacuum cleaners is that they typically have a service life of around 8 years.

Not many people know this, because their vacuums only seem to last 3 years max. This is most likely because they aren’t keeping their vacuum’s in the right condition to extend its service life.

So, here are our top tips on how to extend your vacuum’s service life!

  • Make sure to check the hose every month or so to ensure nothing is clogging it.
  • Don’t overfill the bag or bin.
  • Clean the brush every few weeks to prevent stressing the motor. This means untangling hair, carpet fibers, and other debris.
  • Make sure to clean the filter and replace it if it tears, as this can cause dust and debris to enter parts of the vacuum that should be left clean.

If your vacuum starts to not work, you should try these tips before disposing of it entirely. It’s always better to see if you can revive your old vacuum before throwing it away.


So, there you have it! Hopefully, this guide has helped you find a way to dispose of your broken or slow vacuum cleaner.


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