Wash Bissell Crosswave Brush In The Washing Machine

Ever considered washing your Bissell Crosswave brush in the washing machine? Let’s talk about that.

Bissell Crosswaves are one of the most popular cleaning equipment units on the market.

With the ability to vacuum, wash, and dry floors around a home, this unique 3-in-1 technology eliminates the time and energy spent on cleaning floors with a separate vacuum and mop.

The key component of a Bissell Crosswave is the brush.

This rotating brush is responsible for scrubbing and washing the floor without spreading dirty water around, which would otherwise cause dirty streaks.

However, this means that the brush is inevitably going to become dirty itself.

So, to extend the Bissell Crosswave’s service life and keep your floors sparkling clean, you need to know how to wash the brush properly.

Washing machines are wonderfully versatile cleaning machines, but can you wash a Bissell Crosswave brush in the washing machine?

Here’s everything you need to know!

Can You Wash Bissell Crosswave Brush In The Washing Machine?

Unfortunately, it’s not really recommended that you wash your Bissell Crosswave brush in the washing machine.

While it might be possible and won’t necessarily damage the quality of the brush if you wash it once, this is generally discouraged.

In fact, the manufacturer states that the brush is neither washing machine nor dishwasher safe.

The reason why you shouldn’t wash the Bissell Crosswave brush in the washing machine is because of the constant, harsh movement of the washing machine.

Washing machines are designed to clean clothes at high speeds with lots of water, which can disrupt the fibers and consistency of the brush.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t wash it in the washing machine.

You’ll just have to deal with the constant banging noises of it moving inside the machine, and the risk of the fibers being disrupted.

It also means you won’t be able to complain to the manufacturer, as Bissell states the brush is not washing machine safe.

Also, washing the brush in a washing machine means you will essentially be washing it in its own dirt, rather than rinsing the dirty water out of the fibers.

There are certainly other more effective ways to clean the brush without putting it in the washing machine.

How To Clean A Bissell Crosswave Brush?

Fortunately, there is an effective way to clean a Bissell Crosswave brush that is far more efficient than putting it in a washing machine.

The best way to clean a Bissell Crosswave brush is to wash it by hand.

Firstly, make sure to always unplug the machine, because the best way to clean the brush is with water – which you don’t want to mix with electricity!

Step 1: Remove Brush Window

This cleaning method doesn’t just focus on washing the brush – you might as well clean the whole brush window at the same time!

So, remove the brush window from the unit by pulling open the “pull” tab located above the brush.

Step 2: Remove Brush

To remove the brush from the brush window, you simply need to lift the brush roll upwards from the bearings. The roll should simply click out of place.

Step 3: Rinse Under A Tap

Now, rinse the brush window and the brush roll itself under a tap. Keep rinsing until the water runs clear.

The cleaning process is truly as simple as this – but if there are any stains on the brush, you’re welcome to scrub them away with dish soap and a sponge.

In most cases, however, rinsing it under warm water will do the trick.

Step 4: Allow To Dry

The longest part about cleaning a Bissell Crosswave brush is the drying time, because you need to allow enough time for both parts to dry.

We recommend leaving the brush and window outside until they have dried completely.

Once dry, you can then slot the brush back into the window, and assemble the window back into the unit.

How Often Should You Clean A Bissell Crosswave Brush?

How Often Should You Clean A Bissell Crosswave Brush?

Ideally, you should try to clean your Bissell Crosswave brush after every use.

While the unit features two tanks – one for clean water and one for dirty water – this doesn’t necessarily mean that the brush will be clean enough to use again and again.

You should notice that the brush needs to be cleaned when it starts to produce dirty streaks on the floor.

Fortunately, cleaning the brush takes minimal time and effort, so it’s not a huge hardship.

Plus, the more often you clean your floors, the less dirt will be gathered in the brush.

Even if you don’t wash the brush after every use, you must make sure to empty the water tanks after every use.

Leaving water to sit in the clean and dirty tanks can lead to stagnant, unclean water that won’t be beneficial for cleaning your floor.

Plus, it’ll make the unit and your floor smell!

How Often Should You Change Bissell Crosswave Brush?

Bissell Crosswave brushes actually last a surprisingly long time if you make sure to clean it regularly.

With frequent cleaning, you will only have to replace the brush once every six months.

However, this does depend on the quality of the brush, so you might need to replace it sooner if the performance isn’t good.

Is Bissell Crosswave Dishwasher Safe?

In the same way that the Bissell Crosswave isn’t washing machine safe, it is not dishwasher safe, either.

So, if you’re thinking of cutting corners by washing the brush in the dishwasher, you might want to think again.

Luckily, cleaning the brush by hand takes far less time than it would take to clean in a dishwasher.

Can I Leave Water In My Crosswave?

You should try not to leave water in your Bissell Crosswave.

This is because the water in both tanks, especially the dirty water tank, will become stagnant and unhygienic.

Eventually, it will make the unit – and your floor – smell.


So, there you have it! While you shouldn’t wash the Bissell Crosswave brush in the washing machine, it can be easily and quickly washed by hand anyway.

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