Why Does My Dyson Keep Cutting Out?

Does the power on your Dyson keep cutting out? Let’s find out why and how to fix it today.

Dyson’s vacuums are known for their innovative technology and great quality. But no vacuum cleaner can be perfect and even Dyson’s are sometimes going to have faults.

A common problem for some vacuum cleaners, Dyson’s included, after they have been in use for an extended period of time is the power cutting on and off.

Power issues are usually more of an issue with the cordless Dyson models, but they can affect any vacuum, corded or not.

My Dyson Keep Cutting Out

Having issues with the power of your Dyson cutting can be incredibly frustrating.

If you are the type of person who can not wait to finish vacuuming, having to constantly break your flow of movement to deal with power issues can be incredibly tiresome and lead you to want to give up.

Even if Dyson has plenty of features included to make the vacuuming as painless as possible, if the power is an issue, the process can still be frustrating.

Similar to other devices which can have power issues like this, there is not one simple explanation and a simple fix.

However, there is not a massive multitude of explanations either, there are a few common issues which could be causing this frustration.

This article will go through these common issues, how to find out if they are what are impacting you, and then go over the different methods of solving these problems.

If you have been having issues with the power of your Dyson cutting out, and you want to know why and how to fix it, keep reading to get all the answers and fixes you need.

Reasons Why Dyson Keep Cutting Out

You Could Be Having Power Issues

One issue which can cause the power for a Dyson or a similar vacuum to have the power constantly cutting out is a lack of consistent power for the device to use as energy.

Depending on the type of vacuum you are using there are different ways to check if this is the issue.

If you are using a corded model you need to make sure the vacuum is plugged securely into the outlet to make sure the energy can flow uninterrupted.

Check that there is not any visible damage to the cable as well.

If you are using a cordless model you will need to make sure that your Dyson is fully charged.

Even though the battery life of these models can vary greatly, it is always a good idea to make sure you are charging the vacuum before you plan to use it, so you can ensure a steady flow of power while it is in use.

Some of these vacuums have variable power modes, so if you are having issues on a higher setting, you may be able to avoid them if you try a less intensive setting.

Most Dyson’s will also have a visible indicator for if there are any issues stopping the device from properly functioning.

If there is a flashing light or a light in a particular color, refer to the manual of the device you bought to see what it means.

This usually indicated 1 of 2 things, or just a general issue. The first is the issue we have been talking about being an inconsistent power source or low battery, the second is our next main issue being the presence of a blockage at some point in the system.

Before moving on to this, make sure to account for how long you have owned your system.

Rechargeable vacuums can have batteries that will gradually degrade over time, so if your power is gradually getting worse, it may be time for an upgrade.

There Could Be A Blockage

One of the most common issues with a Dyson vacuum having its power cut on and off during use is the presence of either a full bin or a blockage.

If the issue is that the device is full, this is an easy enough issue to fix by just emptying the bin and starting again.

But the blockage could be impeding the device’s ability to tell when it is full and tricking your vacuum into not working.

Most Dyson’s will require a consistent airflow to continue working so having a blockage can stop this and make it, so the Dyson will stop working.

One of the most common places the Dyson could have a blockage would be at the top of the bin and luckily this is one of the easier places to fix blockages.

All you need to do is look around the bin and see if there is anything stopping debris entering it. You can use a hard thin object to see if there is anything stopping airflow into it.

If this is not the issue then start looking in all the different crevices inside the vacuum. Objects can get quite easily lodged inside the nozzle or the wand so get a good look at these.

The tool attachments and the heads can also cause issues with their being lots of small parts which can easily get caught on each other so thoroughly checking these are important.

Hairs can cause tangles which can significantly affect the efficiency of your vacuum too.

Check Your Filters

This is more rarely an issue, but finding cleaning, or replacing your filters could very easily fix this issue.

The filters are designed to stop dirty air from escaping your vacuum and getting back out into the atmosphere.

These filters are almost never designed to last forever and will need changing depending on their design and how often they are used.

Your product manual will tell you where your filters are located, how to remove them, and how often they need to be changed or cleaned.

Follow the advice on the manual, so you know how often you will need to change them, but doing this can make your vacuum significantly more efficient and while it might not fix all power issues, it will make your vacuum more effective!

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