Why Is My Dyson Vacuum Not Charging?

Is your Dyson vacuum not charging? Let’s talk about that.

Imagine you just got home from a long day at work, and you know the house needs vacuuming, but when you go to charge up your Dyson it just won’t charge. You try to pop it back on its docking station but… no dice.

What is wrong with it? Do you need to fork out for a whole new vacuum?!

Don’t worry, there are many reasons for your vacuum deciding it just won’t charge. We have put together a list of reasons as to why this could be, go through the list and tick the things off one by one, so we can narrow it down and get your Dyson fixed!

It could be as simple as there is something stuck in there,

Dyson Vacuum Not Charging – A Few Things To Check

If you have a cordless Dyson  it refuses to charge when plugged in there are many possible causes. We have some super easy checks you can do to find out what is causing this.

Ensure It Is Plugged In

The issue could actually be as simple as the machine being unplugged, or not properly plugged in.

It sounds silly, but there are plenty of times when work has exhausted us, and we just forget everything, so make sure it actually is plugged in and is sitting in the docking station properly.

Note that your vacuum won’t charge if the cord is out of place by a simple fraction, if this is fine, check the socket or try other sockets.

Check For Airway Blockages

It might not seem related, but if there are blockages in the hose, wand, or dust canister it can actually cause the entire vacuum to stop working. If something was sizable as a sock were to get stuck in there, it could lodge itself in the airway and the vacuum would stop working.

Do not forget you also need to wash out the filters, airways can get blocked, and the vacuum will just shut down, it could get worse and permanent damage can be caused simply because of a dirty filter. Always check through your vacuum for blockages.

See If The Battery Needs Replacing

If you have a V6 mode then the battery can last around 3 years or so, after this it can degrade, and it’s runtime will be shorter and your vacuum will not charge.

You can purchase a replacement from Dyson to get your vacuum performing as it should. The same thing can happen with the V7 and the V8.

It might sound complicated, but it is not as bad as it sounds, just follow the instructions and voilà. If you have a V10 or V11 however, their batteries can last a decade or longer, so you shouldn’t need to think about battery replacements anytime too soon.

Do note, there are some issues with cordless vacuums that come from Dyson, some have been shipped to their owners with a dead battery, therefore it cannot charge or be turned on. If this is the case, contact Dyson for a replacement.

Check For Cord or Charger Damage

Electrical cords and Dyson chargers in general can become damaged over time, you could trample them or run them over, a pet could nibble on them too. Damaged cords don’t just make your vacuum stop working, they are dangerous and are a safety hazard.

Always check for damage to cords when you notice anything wrong with your Dyson.

Check For Battery Case Damage

Most of the batteries are located in the handle of the machine, and anything before the V10 will be removable, which makes it easier for you to slide it out and see if there’s an issue. If there is damage or any cracks then the battery may have been damaged permanently.

You will need to get a replacement if this is the case.

Have A Look At The Fuse

As is the case with anything else electrical, these vacuums have a fuse, and it could blow if there is too much current.

The fuse will be located in a small panel inside the plug, you should use a flathead to pop out the fuse to replace it, check for the Amps rating to ensure you use the correct amount of power

Mounted Charging Station?

Many variations of Dyson vacuums are now wall-mounted, of course you could try to do this. Although many people have said that the docking station cable couldn’t reach the machine properly.

The cable could be overstretched and won’t charge the vacuum, try to mount the station and see if that fixes the issue.

Clean Your Vacuum

You should always remember to clean your vacuum, as controversial as it may sound. Their insides can get dusty and grimy easily which disrupts the connection between the cleaner and its battery.

Clean it regularly to prevent dust and grime from messing up your vacuum.

Be Wary Of Knockoff Battery Packs

Much like the actual item itself, the battery packs for Dyson aren’t exactly cheap themselves, but this doesn’t mean you should go and get a cheap knockoff instead. In fact, you should actively avoid these.

At first a knockoff will work just fine, but the lifespan is much shorter, so you end up having to get even more. It’s better to just buy straight from Dyson, even if it is a bit pricey.


These are not the only things that could make your Dyson vacuum stop charging, however, they are the most common reasons, and we recommend ticking each of these off of your checklist before you start worrying or shopping around for replacements.

Most of the time when something electrical doesn’t work, the answer is actually super simple, so look at these possibilities first.

Of course, also ensure proper maintenance of your Dyson as well, because the more you take care of it the more it will take care of you, and continue to work as it should.

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