Why Is My Shark Vacuum Not Charging?

Ever asked your self, “why is my Shark vacuum not charging?”; let’s talk about that.

Shark vacuums are known for their high quality, durability, and affordability, and there are a range of popular models on the market.

In most cases, Shark vacuums are known for their reliability and range of great features, but, as with any piece of technology, there are occasions when things can and do go wrong – including when it comes to charging your vacuum.

Fortunately for you, we have put together the ultimate guide to troubleshoot your Shark vacuum, and get it up and running in no time.

What Is A Stick Vacuum?

A stick vacuum is an upright vacuum cleaner that is ideal for hard-to-reach areas like under beds and furniture, and also makes cleaning stairs easier than using a traditional wheeled vacuum.

The flexible hose allows the user to move around while they work, so they don’t need to spend too much time standing still, and so can be great for those with limited mobility or back problems.

As a general rule, stick vacuums also tend to be lighter than their traditional counterparts, and so are easier to use when cleaning a space.

Stick vacuums can be corded or cordless, with the latter becoming increasingly popular in recent years.

How Do Cordless Vacuums Work?

Cordless vacuums are powered by rechargeable batteries, which means that you won’t need to worry about replacing them once they run out of juice.

This type of vacuum is usually more expensive than its corded counterpart, but if you want to save money then this may be the option for you.

You will need to purchase additional batteries, but these can be useful in ensuring that you always have a charged battery to hand.

What Are The Benefits of A Cordless Vacuum?

Cordless vacuum models offer a number of benefits, including:

No Cords

The cordless option means that you won’t have to worry about tripping over them while vacuuming around the house.

In addition, they are much easier to store than cords, as they take up less space.

Powerful Suction

A powerful suction system allows you to clean more effectively, and remove dirt and debris from all types of surfaces.

Easy To Maintain

Because they use rechargeable batteries instead of AC power, cordless vacuums are much easier to maintain.

As long as you keep the batteries charged, you won’t have to spend hours replacing worn-out parts.

The Benefits Of Using A Shark Stick Vacuum

Stick vacuums offer many benefits over traditional wheeled vacuums, such as:


Stick vacuums are typically cheaper than their traditional counterparts, making them an affordable way to clean your home without breaking the bank.

They are also easy to store away when not in use, meaning that you will only need one unit instead of several.


As mentioned above, stick vacuums allow you to easily access hard-to-clean spaces, such as under beds and behind furniture, without having to lift heavy items.

This makes them perfect for people who suffer from arthritis or other conditions that make lifting heavy objects difficult.

Ease Of Use

Because stick vacuums are designed to be used in tight places, they are often easier to operate than traditional wheeled vacuums.

If you find yourself struggling to maneuver a traditional model through a small gap, you should consider investing in a stick vacuum instead.

Safety Features

If you have children at home, then you will know how important it is to keep all electrical equipment safe.

With a stick vacuum, you don’t need to worry about tripping over cords or getting tangled – many models are cordless, and this offers extra peace of mind.

Why Isn’t My Shark Stick Vacuum Charging?

Why Is My Shark Vacuum Not Charging?

Shark cordless stick vacuums work through a battery, and this needs to be charged to provide the power that the vacuum needs to operate.

In some cases, you may struggle to get your stick vacuum charging properly, and there are a number of potential reasons for this. Some of the most common include:

Battery Level Low

In order to ensure that your stick vacuum runs smoothly, you need to charge it regularly.

If you aren’t doing this, then you could risk damaging the machine. To check whether your battery level is low, simply look at the display on the side of the unit.

If it shows ‘0%’, then you need to top up your batteries before continuing – this can take a little while if the unit is totally empty, so check back in a few hours to make sure that the batteries are charging as they should.

Power Cut Out

Another reason why your stick vacuum isn’t charging could be because your mains supply has been turned off.

Make sure that you switch your main electricity supply back on before trying to charge your stick vacuum again.

Batteries Have Stopped Working

Shark batteries have a good lifespan, but at some point, they will inevitably give up the ghost.

If you notice that your batteries are no longer charging, or that they are not holding their charge in the way that they should, then it may be time to replace the batteries – these are typically available from the Shark website and will offer a new lease of life to your vacuum.

Charger Not Working

It’s possible that the battery charger itself is not working. Check that the plug to the charger is connected correctly and that the motor is running.

If none of these things work, then try unplugging the unit and reinserting it into the socket. If this doesn’t fix the problem, then contact your local electrician.

How Can I Fix These Problems?

When you are faced with problems like those listed above, you’ll want to do everything you can to resolve the issue quickly.

Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions available to help you out. Here are just a few of the options that you might consider:

Use A Different Battery

When you’re looking for a replacement battery for your stick vacuum, you’ll need to choose one that matches the voltage rating of your existing batteries – in most cases, they will be available from the manufacturer’s website for easy access and purchase.

Contact The Manufacturer Directly

If you think that your stick vacuum isn’t charging properly, and there is no obvious, fixable solution, then you should contact the manufacturer directly.

They will usually be happy to offer advice and assistance, and they can also advise you on any additional accessories that you might require.

Contact An Electrician

If you don’t know how to carry out repairs yourself, then you should call in the services of a qualified electrician.

This is especially true when dealing with electrical issues, which are often very dangerous and potentially fatal.

Replace The Batteries Yourself

If all else fails, it is possible to purchase replacement batteries from the Shark website – just take care to ensure that you purchase the right battery type for your model.

Final Thoughts

If you start to experience charging issues with your Shark stick vacuum, then there is no need to worry – the batteries can be replaced quickly and relatively cheaply, ensuring that your vacuum runs as it should, and eliminating the need to shell out for a whole new vacuum cleaner!

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